Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 1/19: presentation topic & questions

I’d like to present Aristotle's Metaphysics from Rich's list on the website for 1/20 assignment, but I don’t see this section in BH. Will that topic be in the stand alone Aristotle book?  If this section indeed doesn’t exist I’d like to present Quintilian's From Institutes de Oratore.

As for syllabus questions: (1) I'm wondering if there are more detailed descriptions posted anywhere for the assignments? If not, I guessing we'll discuss this more when we have class. (2) For the term paper you indicate this should be prepared for publication - can you please indicate target journals? 


  1. Good to see you again Hilary.

    When I read paragraph 2 on p 29, I thought of your work with non-native English speakers and scientific writing - wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a universal scientific language without cultural nuances?

  2. Hil! Of course, you like Aristotle. ;-) Mark

  3. Hilary, Metaphysics isn't in the "Aristotle A Graphic Guide" text, but I found a link that appears to have the full text. I think Dr. Rice might provide more info about specifics later.

  4. Hi Hilary! I am interested in Aristotle as well, although I'm trying to go for the 'Rhetoric' piece. I think this classical rhetorical information will be so valuable for us science/medicine 'girls':) Nice to have you in class! Let's be sure and do the 5k again in Lubbock in May!

  5. I had the same question about the assignments, but then I am generally a details person. I am looking forward to seeing the angle you take on Aristotle and science.

  6. Might find what you need at and online. I have you down for 3/10. We will cover more of what the paper and other assignment entail as needed, during class. As we each should have unique application of classical concepts, where one intends to publish could be quite varied. Have you looked up calls for papers before?
